Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Folk song Arangettam - a Historical Event in Palakkad

An Appeal

Aashrayam Rural Development Society, Kollengode, Palakkad is planning to make an unique occasion to Folklore arts on 23rd January 2009. This will be a historical event in the world of Folk Arts. There will be a minimum of one thousand students from various schools and colleges of Palakkad performing their "Arangettam" of folk songs.

The training for the same is going on since Onam festival of this year. Around 65 schools /colleges from Palakkad district are providing students are making their final touch for their performance.

In all these educational institutions, there was a live performance based presentation made by Shri. Janardhanan Puthussery (the known folk artist who has got fellowships and numerous awards for his sincere contribution to retain and propagating the tradional arts). The students were registered in their respective institution and the Aashrayam Rural Development society to undergo the folk song training.
So far many eminent lyrics, critics, and socio-cultural leaders have already appreciated and rendered their service to promote this task. Dr.Sukumar Azhikkode, Mahakavi akkitham, Surya krishnamoorthy, etc were some among them. Film Actor Mr. Devan inaugurated the function.

On 23rd evening , a minimum of 1000 participants will be well versed in folk songs and dance presentation and will be ready to perform in the stage as their contribution towards Global peace and harmony to the human society. It will become a dedication to the lives taken by the terrorists in India and in rest of the world.
We are inviting you to attend and the function and make it a success.

As this is a mega event in the history of folk arts, we would like to make the function to a memorable event. So far all the expenses and man power were met by Aashrayam team members as their contribution promote to a value education process. But for the “Arangettam”, we are expecting seven lakhs rupees to make our dream happen.

So we are requesting you to contribute from your heart to the maximum extent possible. It will be a contribution to the coming generations to promot, folk songs of Kerala as well as it will create a new generation with value education. The learnings from the songs will reflect in their way of living.
The children, the future social leaders with love in their mind, speech and in action will happen. Be part of making a new generation with love and harmony - with human race as well as to the plants, animals and to those which are not known to them.

In Service to the Universe,
Aashrayam Team.

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